It has been awhile since I last posted. I have been extremely busy since Graduation from Catawba College. I started a full time job the day after Graduation and I have been going ever since. I have not stopped keeping fish, that is not possible at this point. My Mother's birthday was the beginning of June, and so I bought her a birthday present. If you're smart you probably know what it is. Yep, That's right. I bought my mother a 45gal long, fish tank from GlassCages Inc. The only thing I forgot was to ask her first, cause the day I ordered this huge tank, she comes home with a 75gal, long fish tank from Animal Jungle. That's right, a 45gal, and a 75 gal. in the same house! Not to mention the 3 tanks we had to start with.
Don't panic. I'm not, yet. We rearranged the living room, which hasn't been done in prolly 10 years or more, and managed to make some space, although not enough space to put these tanks anywhere yet. My father is thrilled, because he now has to go through the process of building a unique stand to place these tanks on.
The fact that these tanks are so large also plays into where they will be placed. I'm sure this hasn't been mentioned yet, so I thought I would write about that today. Most people have relatviely small tanks, under 30 gal. is considered small. Anything above that, is medium to large. The wieght that these two tanks we have recently purchased is going to come into play when deciding where we put them in the house. The pressure the amount of water in each tank places makes these tanks apply an extreme amount of pressure. Our most obvious choice for where to place these tanks is in the living room, above where the fireplace used to be. The foundation of our house is most solid there, so all the wieght from these tanks will be held best there.
The downside, Dad has to build the stand, to hold one tank over the other. Both tanks are 48in. long, about 4ft. The 75 gal, is a little bit wider and taller, than the 45gal. but not by much. This should prove to be a fun adventure, I'm not sure how long it will take to set up these tanks, but needless to say my whole family is excited about it.
Now we have to decide what types of fish to put in it, and we need to buy some decor for both tanks!