March 16, 2011

Feeding Fish

I was trying to think of what you all needed to know the most. I realized I haven't really covered the basics on how to take care of your fish, now that you might have them. I also had a comment that triggered a memory of mine from a long time ago.

This particular memory took place back when my mother was really into her aquariums and I was much younger, as I recall we had at least three at the time. One day my sister and I were playing in the home office, where my mom kept her largest tank, a 30gal tall. She had beautiful fish in it, one of them was a tetra that she had kept for 8 years. There were baby snails, and even a baby plecostomus. She was amazed that she had kept the tank in such wonderful condition, to be able to have her fish lay eggs. We'll this particular day that my younger sister and I were playing, being the know it all older sister that I am. I decided that it would be ok for my sister to feed the fish. Mind you, I'm about 4 and my sister is 1, but just barely. She climbs ontop of a chair, and proceeds to dump the entire contents of the bottle of fish food into the tank. If you know anything about fish, then you know this is extremely bad. The fish exploded, because they ate their fill.

Sometime after this, mom's fish tanks all dissappeared, and life went on. Now having grown up a bit, and having more time to devote to such things, my mother and I started another aquaruim over this past summer. With her expierence, and my interest, in the past 9 months since we started that aquarium, we now have 3 total in our house. We don't really know when to stop.   To summarize I've made a bulleted list that you should consult when in doubt about your fish feeding habits.

The Basics
  • Feed Fish only the amount of food they can consume in a few minutes time. This is the rule regardless if you have 20 fish in a tank, or 2. You should only give them the amount of food they can consume in a minute or two.
  • You shouldn't feed your fish very often. Once, or twice a day is a plenty. I generally feed my fish in the morning and at night. My mother feeds hers when she gets home from school. This is because the more food that is uneaten in the tank the more problems you will have keeping your tank established correctly.
  • Correct Food! Fish don't all eat the same thing. Vary their diet. Their are different types of fish food for the different types of fish, bottom feeders generally need to be fed tablets once a week. Tetra has lots of different food options, most of which help keep fish colors vibrant.

    The point, is that we don't feed fish more than what they can eat in a few minutes time. I generally fed my fish a tiny bit once in the morning and once at night, my mom feeds them once in the afternoon when she gets home from school. If you feed your fish at generally the same time everyday, you'll notice their behavior patterns recognize when it's time for lunch. I swear my angelfish stares at my Mom when it's 3pm and he hasn't eaten yet. Oh, and we never let my sister feed the fish, even though she's older now and completely capable, Mom doesn't want to risk losing her fish!


Erin Kidd said...

I'm glad you wrote about this. When Zandi and I had a fish, we had no idea how often to feed it.

D. Clemson said...

how often should you feed your fish and what is a good type of fish to start out with?

Shea Flood said...

i had no idea fish could explode! good warning haha

Dimples said...

Erin - I'm glad this helped.

D. Clemson - I've included a more bulleted list on feeding, and I'll include a post on good 'starter' fish later tonight.

Shea - Glad you learned something new, I wouldn't try this as a science expierement though.

Thanks everyone, keep reading!